I'm starting a new project in which I'll try to draw all the homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (and the manga) as Pokemon. I'm doing them in the order of their creation, so Lust will be next. All of these will be entirely done on Paint Tool SAI, and I'll be using the pen tool rather than the curve tool for the lines.

I chose to depict Pride as a Zorua because it's adorable and yet it looks like a crafty little bastard at the same time. Zorua are also tricksters and like to disguise themselves as children, just like how Pride masquerades as Selim Bradley. Zorua is a Dark type, which fits Pride's shadow motif. I originally intended to give his shadows Gastly's color scheme, since I was planning on depicting Father as a Gastly/Gengar. I probably should've done that, since after all Pride's body is merely a vessel, and the real Pride is in fact the shadows. We can't exactly say the Zorua is using Night Daze or whatever. As you can see, I did everything I could to cover Pride's body so I didn't have to draw his clothes. Zorua has such a small body, and it was difficult for me to try to make his clothes look right. His mane got in the way as well. This picture obviously isn't my pride and joy; hopefully the others will be easier, especially since I can't cover their bodies in shadows. This is actually my first time drawing the lines rather than using the curve tool since early 2011.

I didn't really sketch very much for this one; I added in most of it as I went along.

Time for a comparison.