Today was my first day of tenth grade. I didn't eat breakfast; I spent the morning getting stuff ready and watching the news. I managed to grab the second seat in the bus, and although I was tired, I was too anxious to get some rest. When we arrived, we were to go to our advisement room. Prior to today, our advisement room was the only thing we knew about our schedule. We got our schedules ahead of time last year... Out of all the classes I had today, it took me the longest to find my advisement room--I didn't get completely lost, but it took me a while to find it. I eventually found out it was in the technology wing, and I discovered that my teacher was the identical twin of my eighth grade tech teacher. I think it's funny how they're both tech teachers who work in the same district. I was the first student to show up, and I was given my schedule, ID, agenda, and several forms immediately. My schedule is as follows:

A Day
1 - Drawing & painting I
2 - English honors II
3 - Living environment honors (first lunch)
4 - Geometry

B Day
1 - Health (which will be replaced by creative writing in the second semester)
2 - Advisement
3 - Living environment honors (first lunch)
4 - Advanced placement world history II

C Day
1 - Drawing & painting I
2 - English honors II
3 - Living environment honors (first lunch)
4 - Geometry

D Day
1 - Health (which will be replaced by creative writing in the second semester)
2 - Advisement
3 - Physical education (third lunch)
4 - Advanced placement world history II

One of the other papers we were given was some kind of survey we were supposed to do for the yearbook. I couldn't think of answers for half of the questions (for example: If your life were a book, what would it be?), so I just shoved it in my trapper keeper and pretended it didn't exist. Mr. C didn't question me about it, so it was cool. I read a few pages of 'The Infernal City' while I waited for the rest of the class to show up. Once the bell rang, Mr. C began lecturing us on the basics, such as the code of conduct, the agenda, the permission slips, etc. It was nice not to have those pesky F.L.E.C. leaders bossing us around. Since we sat in front of computers, he explained that we'd be allowed to use them if we had all our homework done and we didn't have anything to study for (but we weren't allowed to play games). I spent the rest of the class filling out things in my agenda and reading.
As the first and second periods were swapped, I had health next. The health rooms were located between the language wing and the art wing, so it was easy for me to find my room. It turned out that my teacher wasn't there--I think this was the first time I've ever had a substitute on the first day of school. I decided to sit at a table with a girl named Shakira and another girl whose name I can't remember, who I knew were both nice people. Camille later joined us. Our first assignment seemed more appropriate for drawing & painting: we had to draw twenty-five things that represented ourselves and our interests. We were also allowed to write words, but it was discouraged. We were given a list of suggested subjects, which I more or less followed. Let's see if I can remember the things I drew... I know I didn't have enough time to draw all twenty-five things, but I think I did at least twenty. I drew/wrote a black leopard, a Poke Ball, an Xbox 360 controller, a computer, a purple blob (which was supposed to represent my favorite color), a bowl of pasta, a bottle of Mountain Dew, Diamond, Onyx, Mack, a flamel from FMA (I wouldn't have been able to draw it if I didn't have my new shirt for reference), a pencil (which was supposed to depict my love of writing), a sun (which could represent both my favorite season and weather), the times I go to sleep and wake up on school days, my favorite radio station, my birthday, the word "Supernatural", the words "The Avengers", and I don't know what the rest of the things were. We then went around and wrote comments on the back of other people's papers. It was rather difficult to think of things to say about some of them, mostly because it was impossible to tell what the drawings were supposed to be. I remember there was one paper that had "ANTI-BRONY" written on it... I wanted to give whoever wrote that a high-five. When that was over with, we completed a simple bookwork assignment.
After that, I had lunch. I've never had the first lunch period before, and it felt strange. Being my paranoid self, I was worried I had misread my schedule and I was missing class. I sat in my emo corner from last year. For lunch, I packed a ready-to-eat-meal, which consisted of multi-seed crackers, turkey pepperoni, asiago cheese spread, dried cranberries and pineapple, and a piece of toffee. I also brought a can of Mountain Dew. It took a good portion of the period for me to get the package of pepperoni open, and I also had a hard time opening the toffee. Next time I bring one of those meals, I'll have to remember to bring along a pair of scissors...
Next up was living environment. I had to sit up front next to some freshman I've never met before. Michelle was in my class--we never shared our schedules, but I found out this was the only class I had with her on B/D days. Mr. F seems like a pretty nice guy, but it's too early to know what he's really like. He had this Tupperware container with two frogs in it sitting on his desk, and a girl asked why they were there. Mr. F said that since this was a living environment class, he wanted to have something alive to share with us. He said that he originally planned to catch fifteen frogs (he was getting them from his pond) and put one on each desk, but he realized that wouldn't work out very well. He then started to open the container so he could show them to us. The frogs freaked out and bounced off the sides of the bowl, and someone asked if they could escape. Mr. F shrugged and said, "It's a possibility." And they did. He dropped them a number of times, and whenever it happened everyone would laugh or scream and he'd scramble to catch them. He didn't seem really concerned about this, as he left the door hanging open. After he put the frogs away, he told us a story about how he had gone on vacation and his wife's friend was supposed to take care of his four pet fish and his cats. She closed the door that led to where the litter box was, so the cats ended up relieving themselves on the couch. One of the fish also died, and his wife's friend didn't take it out of the tank. It started rotting, and two of the other fish died because of that. I can only imagine what the house must've smelled like when they came back... After going over the basic procedures and so forth, we were given a few activities to do. One of them was a questionnaire about what kind of learner we were--I'm apparently a mix of all three types. We also did a word-search involving aquatic words. Next was everyone's favorite "get to know your classmates" activity; a lot of people groaned when Mr. F announced his plans. We were given a paper that had a list of statements, such as "owns a dog" and "favorite color is green". We had to go around the room and see if any of the facts applied to anyone, and if they did we'd write their name next to them. A lot of the statements weren't true for anyone--no one was a vegetarian, and only one kid was born in a different country. The bell rang when we were going over that.
Last period was AP world II. I had Mr. A again, but sadly only one of my acquaintances was in my class (Camille). The first thing we did was a simple survey that included questions about what books we had read over the summer and what TV shows we had watched and so forth. I think I forgot to put my name on it... We were then given an assignment very similar to something we did during the beginning of last year where we had to identify pictures of monuments. After that, we took a short review quiz with questions from last year's final exam. At the end of class, Mr. A handed out study guides and announced we'd be having another map test on the second day of class--oh, joy! This time, we have even less time to study and more things to remember. I hope I at least get the same grade I got last year...
I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of my teachers and classes are like.