Here's another batch of drawings I never bothered to complete. I actually intend on finishing some of the more recent ones, but I'll probably never touch a lot of these again.

This picture is more than a year old, and quite frankly I'm not sure why I never finished it. As you can see, it's very close to being finished. I think what happened was that I accidentally screwed up the layers, which would've made it difficult to complete.

Hehehe, this is a particularly old sketch that was supposed to be part of a JasonxVoid picture.

This was from a drawing I was making of one of the characters in Zodians. It's pretty sloppy.

This was an attempt at drawing Manectric from Legendary Genesis.

I'm really not sure what this is supposed to be. Skullion's wacky cousin, perhaps?

I didn't have much left to sketch on this this drawing of my character from Explorers of Sky, but for some reason I abruptly gave up on it.

This was going to be a drawing of the main antagonist, Amemutt, from the 200-paged book about nonsense I wrote in third grade. I think he was supposed to be some kind of cheetah-jackal hybrid, but I'm not sure.

A Krokorok I attempted to draw for a request. I gave up on it because I didn't know what pose to put it in.

The original sketch for my Barry the Chopper drawing. I scrapped it in favor of the drawing that can be seen in the Art Blog.

I ditched this massive image of Envy's monstrous form because the heads and arms dangling from his neck were too annoying to shade. This was originally a traditional drawing that I turned in for a sketchbook assignment in art class.

I remember drawing this fellow around the time I started reading Jurassic Park. The image on the right full-sized, and the one on the left is blown up. I gave up on it due to lack of interest. I turned in this image for another sketchbook assignment.

This picture, dubbed the 'Magical Floating Lucario Head', was a rare attempt at a cartoony lineless drawing. I guess I sort of got bored with this one.

This was supposed to be a drawing of Ben to coincide with the release of chapter seven of Plasma's Folly. I ended up reusing the sketch for a later drawing...

This was going to be a drawing of Mack. I'm going to finish it when I'm in the mood.

This was my original sketch for Pride in my Pokemonculi project. I couldn't get it to look right, so I started over.

I also want to finish this picture-- I just haven't been in the mood for shading.

Another incomplete picture I have sitting around is the first two panels of a Plasma's Folly spoof comic. I'd post it, but I want to finish it and it'd ruin it if I posted it without the third panel.