Sorry, Leafy. Dx If only I could control my dreams... then nothing like this would happen. T_T

I was playing some kind of video game, and I came across this huge dragon that looked like it was drawn with crayons. It looked depressed, and it asked me to end its life. I was given this giant eraser, and I was instructed to erase the lines that connected its head to its body. I began to erase some of the lines, but they instantly grew back. I was then told that there might be something else I could do instead. This little menu popped up, and it listed a number of things I could turn the dragon into. Before I could do anything, the dragon explained to me that it was Leafy. It then told me that it had lost a contest that involved making as many girls pregnant as possible (I don't even know... o_o). It had only impregnated two girls, apparently. I then suddenly opened up a private chat with Leafy, and I was freaking out about what he had told me and that he was going to be a father to two children at the age of thirteen (he was thirteen in the dream for some weird reason). He explained everything to me, but he made it seem as if he had been dragged into having sex with these girls. After that, he asked me if I hated him. I told him that I didn't hate him, but I felt completely different about him... I then went back to the game, and I think I was going to turn dragon-Leafy into a tree.
There was another part of the dream where I was presumably playing the same video game, and I was on a boat. There was this weird little porthole on the ceiling, and I started walking up to it. All of the sudden, N slid out of it headfirst, and he uttered something like, "Hellooooo" in a creepy way. His voice sounded exactly like I had imagined. I wanted to show Rainy this part of the game, so I restarted from an earlier save file. When I got to that part, N never appeared. Later on, I was reviewing the game on some website and I mentioned that I was glad to hear N's voice. Some person replied and said he agreed with me.
In another part of the dream, Jo and I were in the living room and we were looking for something to watch on TV. There was nothing on any of the channels that I normally watched with her, so I kept on flipping channels and eventually I got to this channel that was playing an episode of South Park. Disgusted, I tried to change the channel, but nothing happened. I then got up and turned off the TV. The image disappeared, but the voices were still playing. I think my mom came home at that point.

I really do wonder what N is going to sound like in the anime... and Ghetsis, and Genesect. I mean, I could care less about the anime, but I'd like to see if their voices are anything like I had imagined-- they have major roles in Plasma's Folly, so of course I'm imagining them speaking their lines in the role play and fanfiction all the time. I wonder if N and Ghetsis will even appear in the anime... we can count on seeing Genesect, but I'm not sure about the other two... there were supposed to be a couple of episodes about Team Plasma, but they were canceled. Maybe N and Ghetsis will appear in the Genesect movie... that'd be cool.