If you've ever been to the Off Topic Discussions forum, chances are you've heard of a guy named Acebopata (alternately Halstar, The Rebirth of Acebopata, Holi Sepa, and The Elderly One). Out of all the people on the Warriors & Seekers Official Message Board, he probably annoys me the most.
He has created a term called 'RPSH', which is an acronym for 'Religious-Political-Scientific-Historical'. He uses it very frequently, and he's the only person who uses it. I'm sure half of the people on the forums don't even know what it means. Basically, he refuses to participate in anything he considers too RPSH. This includes Warriors-- it's too spiritual for his taste, what with StarClan, the prophecies, and the reincarnations (I'm not even sure why he goes on that website). He says that if his teachers ever read or showed Harry Potter books or movies to the class, he'd go out into the hall. Another thing he deems RPSH is the newer generations of Pokemon. He doesn't approve of how some of the more recent Legendary Pokemon are considered deities. Skyrim is also too RPSH, but he didn't give a reason why-- is it because Tamriel has its own deities, god forbid? "I get enough spirituality from other things; I don't need it in my entertainment!" he insists. Yet he's perfectly fine with The Chronicles of Narnia, and most of the books he reads involve the Bible. Notice how both of these things are Christian or reference Christianity. He's perfectly fine with spirituality in his entertainment-- it just has to involve his own religion. I find it pathetic how he considers the aforementioned items offensive. They take place in different worlds, involve different made up cultures, or are about different animals; does he really expect them to be Christian? And why should they not include faith whatsoever? There are other beliefs besides Christianity, and heck, some of them existed long before it. He probably feels the same way about these different real world religions. He's an ignorant, intolerant, hypocritical bastard... that's all there is to it.
Even without his opinions on spirituality and so forth, he'd still round out to be an extremely annoying forum-goer. He's nineteen years old (which is weird enough), and he constantly complains about how he feels old, which is also evident in his alias "The Elderly One". If he thinks he's so elderly in his late teens, what is he going to do when he's fifty?
He constantly advertises and brings up his fan clan, which is named "Fedex-clan". I have no idea why he chose to give it that name-- it's definitely one of the weirdest clan names I've seen. What's worse is that he almost named it "NASCARclan". Yup, he's also obsessed with NASCAR-- or as my mom calls it, "Redneck Games". In Fedex-clan, he has three rules against anything RPSH. He also has this list of grammatical advice, and it's clear that he doesn't even know what he's talking about. He says to use parenthesis with dialogue, and his example of a dialogue sentence is,  "But Mama, I want to go out and play with Wildstar." Bluekit whined. Now, this could be correct, if Bluekit's whine was a separate action from the dialogue. It's obvious that he intends for it to be a continuation of the same sentence, though. He also recommends using spell check, even though he frequently makes spelling errors.
He wants to develop his own gaming console, called the "Solar Gamunis". He submitted his ideas for the system to Wal-Mart of all places. The first game he intends to make for this console is a My Little Pony game. He also wants to improve Pokemon one day, and make it less RPSH.
He claims to have gotten an injury when he was young, and therefore he cannot work or go to college. He's restricted to "helping people on the Internet, watching NASCAR, and writing". I wonder just what kind of injury this is... that may explain a lot of things. He says he wants to become a janitor someday, or a preacher-- no surprise there.
I told my mom about Acebopata the other day. "... Stay away from him," she said.