On July 9th, 2007, Sam and I got onto Jo's old Neopets account, and started messing around with it. For fun, we created a Yellow Nimmo (the ugliest Neopet of them all, I'd say!) and named him Tinklebot_pooface. I gave him a starter Petpet so he couldn't be pounded. Jo didn't like Tinklebot at all... she starved him, and dressed him in ugly clothes. It was quite a sight to see; Tinklebot would regularly wear a sloppy potato sack shirt and dung wings, a piece of dung was at his feet, and his background would be a garbage dump. Eventually, Jo happened to obtain a Christmas Paint Brush, and somehow (it might've been me who did it) he was painted. Jo didn't care... she still hated him. Eventually, she figured to unequip the Petpet, and sent him into the pound. Someone soon adopted him... but tragically, their account was frozen. We thought that was the end of Tinklebot, until I recently decided to look him up... When the search page came up, it didn't show the picture of Tinklebot. I knew that the new colors of pets (such as my Darigan Kiko) didn't have this image, and as far as I knew, Christmas wasn't a new color for Nimmo. Curious, I clicked on him, and check out what I found...

That's right... Tinklebot's a Darigan Nimmo now. I have absolutely no idea how he escaped the frozen account, nor do I know why anyone would want to waste a Darigan Paint Brush on a Neopet named 'Tinklebot_pooface'. Ya gotta admit though, Darigan's a pretty nice color on ol' Tinklebot...