Ever since Jo found out Carnivine's origin, she's wanted a venus flytrap. My mom said she could have one, if we found one. So at a bookstore, I saw a little grow-your-own-venus-flytrap kit, and I pointed it out to them. My mom bought it, Jo planted it, and... it never grew. What a rip off :/
Well, the other day, my mom came home with a venus flytrap that had already grown in a pot. Jo was overjoyed. She wanted to feed it right away. So my mom decided to feed it CAT FOOD.
... I'm really not sure if cat food is good for venus flytraps, but whatever. I got the honor of keeping the thing in my window. It looks healthy so far, so I guess it's cool with cat food. Nyehh, maybe if we hadn't fed all of its 'heads', it would've helped to get rid of all those little moths that randomly appeared in the house...

Seafood medley, my favorite!