When I woke up in the morning, I was exhausted. I usually wake up a bit after I get ready, but for some reason today I was still dead tired. I had a Bagel Full for breakfast. When I got on the bus, there were still seats available, so I didn't have to sit with Camille. I wouldn't have minded either way. Camille's in almost all of my classes, and I'd even go as far to say that we've become acquaintances. I rested up a bit on the bus, but that didn't help very much. I was still tired when we got to school. Today was a C Day, so that didn't make it any better; I had gym first period.
I haven't figured out my gym locker. I've put in my combination in every possible way, and it still won't open. What's even worse is that I put my clothes in my locker last C Day before the locks were installed. Adding to that is that I couldn't find anyone to help me open it. So yeah, I just had to go out in my regular clothes. At least I didn't wear jeans or anything like that today...
I signed up for inline skating. I'm not really sure why; it just seemed like fun at the time. The only thing is, I suck at rollerblading. At one point, we all went outside and skated down the sidewalk. Everyone else was far ahead of me, because I'm paranoid and I was going really slowly. It didn't help that it was hot out, I was thirsty, and my back and feet hurt. And yeah, after gym class, I had nothing to change into.
After that torture was over, it was time for algebra. Goody. Nothing really interesting happened. We took a quiz on PEMDAS/order of operations, and I got a perfect score. I don't know how anyone could get less than that; we were allowed to use calculators. We went over a few things, and that was pretty much it. However, at the end of class, Mr. C made an unsettling announcement; my homebase teacher from last year, Mrs. L (not to be confused with the Mrs. L this year, my English teacher), had died over the weekend. She became ill and passed away on Saturday. As I've said before, I've never liked that teacher (I went into more detail on this in the earlier entry "Hectic Homebase"). But it was still quite a shock.
Today was the day I'd been dreading; the day of our AP history geography exam. Surprisingly, most of the things I had to map came with ease... I guess all that studying really paid off. But when I got to the final ten, things changed. I can't remember what they were, but I'm almost positive they were all in or around the middle east. I had no idea what I was doing. It turned out that I got a 76/86. I think that's like a high eighty, right...? I'm not very happy with my score, but hey, at least I didn't fail like I thought I would. After that, we were given this freaking long homework assignment. Then, at long last, it was time for lunch.
Since it was a C day, I had lunch with Emily, Michelle, Stripes, and Camille. Camille sat at another table with one of her other friends, but unfortunately the same wasn't true for Stripes. I had a hot dog, macaroni salad, tater tots, and an apple for lunch, but I only ate about half of it. About halfway through, Stripes pulled out volume six of the Soul Eater manga-- the same one I had. She flipped to the page where Ragnarok pulls up Crona's robe, and with a huge grin on her face, said, "Doesn't this count as rape?" She was laughing her stupid laugh the whole time, as if rape was the funniest thing on Earth. I don't understand the mentality of people like this, and I know she isn't the only one. Obviously, Ragnarok was not raping Crona, and the whole scene was played for laughs and not strong sexual intent. But just the thought that she finds the concept of 'rape' funny, even if she isn't grasping it correctly, is just plain wrong.
Next up was English. I worked on my art homework early on when we weren't doing anything important, and then we did this dumb warm-up thing. After that we reviewed some things, and then we did this paper in preparation for reading the Odyssey. We were assigned a considerable amount of homework, and then we had a fire drill. At least it didn't end up like it did in that dream I had... :P Well, that was pretty much it.