Today was my first day of high school, and man, it was boring.
I had trouble sleeping last night for some reason... but still, I woke up like an hour before the bus came. Even though I got practically no sleep, I wasn't very tired during the day... well, except for in advisement, because we just sat there and did nothing. I had this cinnamon flavored cereal, a few pieces of candy corn, and a couple sips of pomegranate flavored water for breakfast. When I got on the bus, there were no open seats at all. I had no idea who to sit with... I would probably end up sitting with someone who would start picking on me. Then, I heard a voice: "Hey, Kim. Want to sit with me?" It was Camille. I was so desperate that I sat with her... she didn't try to talk to me or anything, so it was pretty cool. When we arrived at the school, I completely forgot where my advisement room was. Today was a B day, but since it was the first day of the school we switched first and second period. When I was looking for the room, I met up with Camille, who also was in my advisement class. She was lost, too. So the two of us just wandered around hopelessly until we were given instruction on where it was. Surprisingly, we ended up being some of the first people there. We were told to find our seats, which were marked by an envelope with our names on them. I sat to the far right of the room in the desk second closest to the front, and Camille sat directly behind me. After waiting for all the other people to show up, the teachers began to lecture us about stuff we already knew. Then, our F.L.E.C leaders came in and lectured us even more. After that, everyone just sat there for a half hour and did nothing. I went back and forth between shuffling through my papers and trying to sleep.
When that was finally over, I had earth science. Since the classroom is so close to my locker, I didn't have a lot of trouble finding it. I had to sit in the back of the class with a very outgoing girl who kept trying to get me to talk. None of my friends were in that class, as with advisement. Camille was with me again, but she sat up in the front with one of the rabid Soul Eater fangirls who surprisingly obsessed over Excalibur rather than Kid. They probably all got over their obsession by now, but I wouldn't know because I never got a chance to hear them talk. My science teacher, who shall be referred to as Mr. S, looks boring, but seeing as this was only the first day, he could actually be a lot different. He made us do this stupid puzzle thing, and then he began to lecture us. This was the only class where we received homework... we have to write a few paragraphs about what the quote "Science is a special kind of story telling; there are no right or wrong answers, just better and better stories" means to us. We were also given our textbooks, and we have to get covers for them by next class.
I got lost on my way to Spanish. I knew it was downstairs, but I couldn't find any stairways that went down. There were a bunch that went up, but none that went down! Someone finally guided me to the right stairway, and I eventually found my way there. In turn, I was the last person there... Mr. E (Mystery?!) was like, "The high school is confusing, isn't it? Don't worry, in ten years you'll get used to it." Like I had hoped, he seems like a pretty cool guy. He made us play this dumb little game, and then we had to go to lunch. Yup, I finally found out when I have lunch... on B and D days, it's halfway through period 3. On A days and C days, it's at the end of period 3. I had this gross pizza, tater-tots, and apple juice. I sat by myself in this little table in a corner because I didn't feel like looking for people I knew. It turned out Sam and some of her friends (probably more Soul Eater fangirls) had lunch at the same time as me, and Sam invited me to sit with them next time. When I got back to Spanish, we started reviewing travel vocabulary.
After that came art. Since the art room was so close to the Spanish room, I didn't get lost. Like all my other classes so far, none of my friends were in art with me. Mrs. C lectured us, and then she made us draw hands and other stuff... the only thing I finished was the hand, though. From what I saw, it looked like no one was really trying... the ones that I saw didn't even look like decent cartoon hands. Of course, mine looked like crud too... I aimed for a realistic style, but I got the proportions and shading all screwed up. My art teacher seems boring, but she knows what she's doing. She showed us some of her work, and she's really good.
When we were dismissed, I couldn't find my bus. After a few minutes of walking around randomly, I found it in the back row, if you could even call it that. The buses were all over the place. I managed to get a seat by myself, and I spent the bus ride chewing apple pie flavored gum and staring out the window.