Every year, I get stuck in a class with a bunch of morons. Last year it was math, and now it's art, unfortunately. You see, to graduate with even a basic diploma, you must get credit from at least one art or music class. It seems like almost all of the people in my class are doing just that-- they aren't very enthusiastic about art at all. They just want the credit, and then after that they'll never set foot in an art classroom again. Well, from how they've been acting, it looks like they might have to retake the course several times before they get their precious credit... heck, there's one girl who actually did fail art last year and now she's taking it again.
She obviously hasn't learned her lesson, and it looks like she's on the path of failure again. This chick, Tatiyana or something like that, never does her work. One time, Mrs. C wanted us to work on contour line drawings of hands, and Tatiyana just pulls out her phone and starts texting. I mean, really? It's just a stupid hand. Is it really that much work? Does she really want to fail and have to take the class a third time? One time I thought she was actually working, and then I noticed that she was just scribbling down random words in bubble letters. That's what she submitted for one of her free choice sketchbook activities-- her name in bubble letters. She didn't even shade them, or color them, or add dimension to them, or anything. Just plain bubble letters that didn't even take her a minute to make. How lazy can you get? She also has this little friend named Briana who she always talks to, and then she's friends with every other guy in the class. I mean, how on Earth can you be friends with someone like that? Tatiyana used to sit next to Briana, but Mrs. C separated them because they were being too disruptive. But did she really expect that to stop them? The two of them always get up in the middle of class when we're supposed to be working and laugh and talk to each other. Then she gets her boy friends to join in, and... it's just awful. When Mrs. C yells at her, she whines to Briana that she did nothing wrong. I remember one day we had a sub, and Mrs. C didn't leave her any plans, so she let us do whatever we wanted. At one point, Tatiyana got onto a computer and went to check her grades with her little friends. "I'm failing every class, and I have a 0 in global," she said, giggling. How pathetic. She thinks it's funny that she's failing high school? What, does she think it's some kind of game? Does she not realize how important school is? What kind of future does she expect to have? Well, for her it probably doesn't even matter. She'll probably end up like Sam's mom-- getting knocked up constantly and feeding off of welfare. What a pitiful kind of life to lead...
There's also this other kid... I think his name is Eric? He complains constantly. He refuses to complete simple tasks because he insists they're 'boring'. When we were doing our preliminary drawings, he started throwing a fit and demanded Mrs. C to let him leave. He ended up sending himself to the principal just to avoid the simple preliminary drawings. He also always talks and makes noises during class. When Mrs. C tells him to stop, he argues with her and completely fails to respect her authority. It's terrible... I feel really bad for Mrs. C. She just wants to teach her class techniques for drawing, but she has to put up with this band of freaks... I guess that's part of being a teacher.
Well, when I complete studio in art and move onto the next course, I doubt I'll have to deal with idiots like them. You only need to take one year of art for the graduation credit-- if they hate art that much, they'd definitely drop out of it by then. From then on, it'll only be people who are serious about art, or at least enjoy doing it.