I know there was more to this dream than what I have written, but I can't really remember what...
It took place in what I think was supposed to be school. I was in the bathroom, which was strange, because I never use the bathrooms in school... All of the sudden, the fire alarms went off, and blue lights started flashing like they do when the bell rings in lunch. I told the other people in the bathroom that we might as well just stay in there, because it was obviously just a practice. Then, something told me to get out... I did, leaving the others behind. When I got out, I instantly saw that the other side of the school was set aflame. My jaw dropped, and I whimpered, "It... was... real...' The inferno roared fiercely as it covered half of the building. Firetrucks were beginning to arrive, and they blasted the flames with their hoses. They began to tame the fire until it slowly died away. For some reason, my bedroom was one of the rooms in the school. The fire had reached that area, but when I investigated later, there had been very little damage done. I can't remember if it was before or after the part with the fire, but at one point Jo and I were in a jewelry store, and we saw these necklaces that had huge charms shaped like scorpions or lobsters.

Hmm, this dream was pretty short. I should've combined it into a post with those other minor dreams I've been meaning to write down...