This is another school related dream. It was gym, and Michelle and Emily were apparently in my class with me. It was co-ed, probably... all the girls as well as all the guys were crowded into one of the gyms. One of the girls gym teachers told us to go to one corner of the room if we liked robots, or the other corner if we preferred unicorns. My friends and I went to the unicorner... I have no clue why. The robot people, which were mostly guys, were escorted to the other gym. Then, the unicorn people moved closer to the front of the gym, and the same gym teacher began instructing us on what we would be doing. "For those of you who are confident in your flying abilities, please gather over there. The rest of you, go to the opposite side." Flying abilities? I had no idea what the teacher was talking about. So of course, my friends and I gathered in the latter side. The gym teacher told the confident fliers that they would be playing golf, and they left the gym to get started. Then she turned to us and told us what was expected of us. "You are going to partake in a number of activities that involve running, jumping, and flying. It looks like it might be stormy, so we probably won't get to do a lot of flying." Okay then, whatever that meant. When she was still lecturing us, I noticed that this girl named Amanda was staring at me. She had picked on me from fourth through sixth grade, but after that I had never really seen her again. I told her to cut it out, but she just inched closer to me, a grin creeping up her face. "Stop it, you ugly bitch," I whispered fiercely, hoping the teacher would hear me. Her grin continued to grow, and she began to laugh. "Whoa, I'm the ugly one?" I slapped her face, and miraculously the gym teacher didn't notice. She came closer yet, and put her leg on mine as if she wanted to hold it down... o_O I punched her in the face, and she called me a potato, whatever that was supposed to mean. Then Amanda pinched my side, her grip growing more and more hard. She began to twist my skin, and I did everything I could to resist screaming out in pain. It was about then that the gym teacher noticed. "There will be no fighting in my class. If you want to fight, go to the other class." I think Amanda backed away after that, still glaring at me coldly. After the gym teacher finished lecturing us, we lined up to get supplies. I met up with Michelle and Emily, and we grabbed black pinnies from this huge bag. Then we went outside to gather the rest of our supplies. We had to pick up these plastic white balls and some other things I can't remember. On this folding table were a bunch of Tim Hortons cups, and we were told that we had to drink what was inside of them. This was going to transform us into unicorns, and that's how we'd be able to participate in all the activities. The dream ended before I could get my cup, but I recall reading this warning label posted on them... I can't really remember what it said, though.