I know I say some things in here that could easily come across as rude, but please don't take offense.

I'm just going to get this out of my system. It's been bothering me for a while, so here we go.


Yes, I think we all know that by now. I've mentioned MLP numerous times before in my blog, but I've been meaning to dedicate an entire entry to it for a while.
So, if you've never heard of the MLP craze, you probably live under a rock and have never been on the internet before. Basically, there's this show for five year olds called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's a remake of previous MLP shows, and like always, it's full of ponies and pastel colors and rainbows and friendship magic and sparkles and everything else that would scar goths and emos for life. But for some crazy reason, this show is more popular with teenage and adult men (and less commonly teenage and adult women) than its target audience. Why is this? I'm still unable to decipher this mystery today.
I'm not sure when this fad started, but I remember first noticing it around the time I signed up for the Bulbagarden forums. A lot of the male members had animated avatars featuring ponies. I was curious about this... I wasn't even sure if they were My Little Ponies at that point, because they didn't look similar to the style I recall being used for the shows. At first my assumption was that they were from some kind of most likely perverted spoof on My Little Pony that I apparently had never heard about. I eventually found out this show was called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I Googled it, and to my surprise, it wasn't a parody. It was the real deal. These men were showcasing clips of a cartoon for little girls as their avatars.
So, what was up with this? I don't even recall myself wondering why these guys had these images as their avatars. I guess I just assumed that they were trolling or something. I didn't really think about it, until Rainy, Dapple, and Feather told me the news.
One day on Sakimi, they were acting very nervous and were chattering about something that they were apparently trying to keep secret. I was confused, and asked them what was up. At first they weren't going to tell me, but I eventually got it out of them. They said they were into something that was apparently very embarrassing, and I remember Rainy commenting that it's worse than porn. At that point I became concerned... I thought that what they meant by that was that they had gotten into something along the lines of porn, and that's the last thing I wanted to hear from them. But then Rainy started posting pictures of ponies... and I died a little inside.
My immediate reaction was a huge laughing fit, and I nearly fell out of my chair. Those guys? PONIES? What, was this some kind of joke? But it wasn't. They were being dead serious. They, like so many adult men, had somehow been captivated by the cartoon. I asked them why on Earth they'd be into something like that, and they all pretty much gave me the same response. "It teaches morals... it's so cute and innocent..." Things like that. To me, it sounded like they had been brainwashed or something... I took it upon myself to try watching the show. I wanted to see what it was that was apparently so great about this show. It would be wrong to judge them without watching it first (even though I did... =P) so I did. Taking a deep breath, I got into Youtube and started up the first episode. I was sort of worried... if this thing could get adult men to love it easily, then I, a thirteen year old (at the time) girl, would probably fall victim as well. Things as bright and colorful as My Little Pony generally disturb me, but I'm a sucker for some cute things. But My Little Pony, oh, was not cute. It was the animated embodiment of the things I despised as a five year old and the things that scare me today. The COLORS... the RAINBOWS... the PONIES! I've heard people say that this show is for girls, but it's not girly. Pfffttchhhchffftt... it was even worse than most girly shows I've ever seen! To top that off, I found nothing enticing about the show's storyline. It seemed no different from any other kiddy show out there, and seeing as I have a seven year old sister who likes to watch TV with me, I've seen them all. Now, some people say that you should watch at least three episodes of a show before you form an opinion on it, but I had enough. I wasn't going to let myself sit through another torture session of things that crawled out of some kind of girly toddler's imagination. Maybe that was wrong of me to do, though. But seeing as I couldn't put up with the animation then, I probably wouldn't be able to for two more episodes. Jo was watching episode two over in her room, and I could hear it from here. When Pinkie Pie started singing, I wanted to go lock myself in a closet and die. I'm sorry, but there was no possible way for me to get into this show. And after that point, it puzzled me even more than it already had that adult men loved this show.
Friendship is Magic has swept the forums, Bulbagarden, Memebase, Youtube, and practically everywhere else on the internet. There's no escaping it... and if you say anything bad about it, "bronies" will bash you even if you didn't mean to be/weren't being offensive.
Oh, another thing. There's this MLP fanfiction called "Cupcakes" which all the bronies think is the most disturbing thing on the face of the Earth or something. It describes the pony Pinkie Pie torturing the other pony Rainbow Dash. I read it, and I was like, ... Seriously? Maybe it's because they've seen the entire show and know the characters, or maybe the innocence of the show has done something to their brain, OR MAYBE I'M TOO CORRUPTED TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DISTURBING, but... I didn't find it disturbing at all.
Well, on the bright side, I'd prefer to have adult men obsess over innocent ponies than boobs and porn and everything else that adult men normally obsess over... but when they combine those things, THAT'S when it starts to get really scary... e_0