Yesterday, we went to the mall to see The Lion King in 3D. I could care less about that movie, I've seen it a hundred times when I was five. What I really wanted to go to the mall for was so I could check out F.Y.E, a video and music store that also sold a large variety of anime.
Earlier that day, my mom took me to the library the next town over to see if the had volumes four and five of Brotherhood. I made my way over to the anime/manga shelf, which was tucked away in the teen section. I browsed through it, until I came across Fullmetal Alchemist. They had every single video from the original series, only two volumes of the manga, and two volumes of Brotherhood. But to my dismay, they were volumes one and two-- the only volumes they still have up on Youtube. Disappointed, I asked my mom if we could check out this other library. She agreed, and off we went. As far as the anime went, this one was even worse off than the first. But their manga selection was amazing... I'm pretty sure they had all of them, even my sought after volume four. I ended up taking out four through ten. I was happy that I was finally able to find a place to supply me with the manga, but at the same time I was still angry that I couldn't find volumes four and five of Brotherhood. I wasn't too concerned, though-- they had to have it at F.Y.E!
And they did. While my parents were checking out something in another store, I dragged Jo along with me to F.Y.E. We hurried over to the anime section in the back, and I found FMA almost right away. And there they were, their boxes shining red-- all five volumes of Brotherhood. Squealing, I pulled out volume five in success... and then I died inside.
Volume five contained probably 12 episodes, plus a couple of bonus features and so forth. And somehow this equated to the hefty price of $49.99 (Soul Eater was even worse; sixty dollars for eleven episodes. But those are all on Netflix and Youtube, so I could care less). "Whaaaaaaaat?" I whined, staring at the box in disbelief. I shoved it back onto the shelf, and began whining loudly to myself about how unfair it was and how depressed I was. That went on for like fifteen minutes, and then my parents showed up. My mom heard me whining, and said, "I told you they wouldn't have it."
"But they do have it...! But... but... look." I pulled out volume five, and showed my mom the price.
"Holy...!" she cried.
I said I'd be willing to pay for them, but I expected them to be like, twenty dollars, or thirty at the most. But fifty bucks? A hundred bucks for both of them? There's no way I'd ever throw away a hundred dollars on 24 episodes of anything, even if it was the most amazing show in the world. Heck, it's not like I even have a hundred dollars to throw around. I only had about eighty dollars stored in my little yellow chocolate box.
So the rest of that night, I was really depressed. Seeing The Lion King didn't make it any better, especially since it taunted me with characters named 'Scar' and 'Ed'. I ain't done fighting yet, though. I'm going to watch episodes 45 to 64, and I ain't gonna fork over a hundred dollars to do it. It looks like I might've found a solution-- the internet, of course! No, I'm not going to watch illegally streamed episodes; they're selling the DVDs for cheap on Amazon, and it looks like my dad's found some deals on eBay. So perhaps I'll finally be able to finish my beloved anime soon.