Saying this is probably selfish, seeing as there are so many people in the world who don't have proper housing. But I really don't like my house. It's the smallest house in my neighborhood, and it's practically one step up from a trailer. I've only seen one other house with the same design as mine, and it has an extension in the back. We don't have a deck, or a porch. Just a set of stairs with rusting iron banisters leading up to the door. The paint on both the door and the garage is chipping. Unlike most of the other houses, we don't have decorative shutters. The front yard is littered with a variety of things, and the same can be said about the backyard.
Our house was not meant for four people. When you walk through the front door, you're met with two small sets of stairs. The one that goes down leads to the laundry room, my parents' room, the garage, and a really small storage closet. If you go upstairs, the first thing you see is the kitchen, which is very narrow. To the right of the kitchen is the small dining room. In front of the dining room is the living room. To the left of the living room is a hallway that contains a storage closet, a bathroom, my room, and Jo's room. And that's it. That's all there is. My house isn't even supposed to have three bedrooms-- the only real bedroom is mine. Jo's room is supposed to be a guest room, and my parents' room is supposed to be an office or something.
The inside of our entire house is a mess. We don't have room for anything. We can't even eat at the dining room table like a family because there's a bunch of stuff all over it. The closet downstairs is where we keep our fake Christmas tree, and that's about it. The closet in the hallway is where most of Jo's toys are stored, even though she has a closet of her own in her room. A lot of the stuff in my closet isn't mine, but there isn't any other place for it.
My mom has told me that she'd love to move, but for some reason my dad really wants to stay here. I don't know what he likes so much about this place, because I think it's pretty bad. I mean, when the bus pulls up at my stop, I'm embarrassed to be seen living there. And that's just the outside of the house-- imagine if they knew what the inside was like. I always find myself marveling over other houses we pass by on the bus, even ones that are only a little bigger and nicer looking than my own. When I'm at Michelle or Emily's houses, I can't help but feel jealous. When I'm older, one of my top priorities will be owning a really nice house.

On an unrelated note, today in science we started our rocks and minerals unit. Mr. C started out by talking about how the only difference between pencil lead and diamonds is the arrangement of their carbon atoms. Hmm, now where have I heard that before...?

I don't know what you're talking about.