Today was our homecoming day. Since nothing really notable happened during the rest of the week, I'm just going to cut to the chase. Basically, I only participated every other day like I did for Spirit Week last year, and our standings were never revealed at the end of the day so we were left in the dark. Today was Blue & White Day, and I wore the same outfit I wore for the last day of Spirit Week, minus the bracelets. Because we were having a pep rally at the end of the day, all the periods were shortened, and periods three and four were flipped. The day started off normally-- it was a D day, so I had earth science first period. I sat down in my seat and pulled out a copy of the FMA manga. There were no warm-up instructions posted on the bored, so there was nothing better to do. I read my manga until the teacher told us to work on this sheet about latitude and longitude. I quickly filled it out, and then resumed reading. Apparently, half of the class was having problems with it, so they were given extra time. Yay, more time for me to read FMA! When everyone finally had everything filled out, Mr. S made us copy down these definitions. Then he collected our homework, which was about the atmosphere. He realized that just about everyone had this one question thing wrong, which was about the atmospheric pressure of the tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause. I admit that I got that question wrong, too-- I misread it and thought it was about the pressure of the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. He passed it back and let us fix our mistakes, and then we had to turn it back in. It was only then that I realized I forgot to change my answer on the part about the stratopause... oh well, it was only one question... After that, we were given our homework, and then class ended.
Next was advisement. I pulled out my Spanish homework and quickly finished it. I wasn't feeling particularly tired, so I decided to read some more manga. That's what I did for the rest of the period... good thing I packed multiple volumes.
I was supposed to have Spanish next, but since the periods were flipped, I had art. We were still working on our contour line drawings of hands holding objects. I decided to attempt to draw me holding my Regigigas keychain, and I guess it came out okay. That's all I really had time for. Mrs. C announced that next class we'd be drawing shoes, and then class was dismissed.
The first half of Spanish class was spent watching people play this matching game on the Smart Board. After that was over, it was time for lunch. I got myself a tray of mozzarella sticks and pineapple, and then went to look for Sam and her gang. I couldn't find them anywhere, though, so I sat in my emo corner. My F.L.E.C. leader and some of her friends were sitting at a table nearby, and they asked me if I wanted to sit with them. I told them no thanks, trying my best not to sound rude. Then they moved over to my table without asking me first. Really, people? I know you're trying to make us freshmen feel welcomed here, but can't you understand that some of us are solitary people? I don't mind sitting by myself sometimes, like today-- I just wanted to fix up my sketchbook drawing and read some more manga when I was finished eating. But instead, I had to deal with them... it's not like they even talked to me or anything, for the most part. When I pulled out my sketchbook and started touching up my drawing of Envy(saurus), one of the girls asked if she could see my sketchbook. They started spleeing over it, even though all of the drawings in there suck... well, so much for working on my picture. I eventually got it back, and proceeded to work on it for a few minutes. Then I put it away and pulled out my manga, and they didn't disturb me for the rest of lunch.
The second half of Spanish started out normally. We reviewed some vocabulary and did some frases and so forth. But then when the period was nearing the end, Mr. E randomly put on the Russian Rickroll video... after that he put on Waka Waka in Spanish, like he does at the end of nearly every class. Then, when he was walking around the room, he heard these boys talking about 'blue waffle'. Almost everyone on the internet's heard of blue waffle... and you are advised not to Google it. I've never Googled it myself, but I've heard about what it is... and I won't be looking it up anytime soon, thank you very much. Of course, trolls will try to get you to Google it, but these kids weren't trying to troll Mr. E... when he asked what it was, the boys frantically yelled at him not to Google it, and he asked why. They told him it was inappropriate, and Mr. E asked how so. But in the end, Mr. E's curiosity got the best of him... he thankfully turned off the Smart Board, and then Googled it. All the while, everyone was screaming at him not to do it, and I was trying not to laugh... Mr. E looked very disturbed after looking it up. He didn't get mad at the boys or anything-- after all, they told him not to look it up.
After that, we were dismissed to the outdoor stadium for the pep rally. All the freshmen who weren't competing had to crowd onto this small thing of bleachers, and it was super cramped. It was also pretty cold out, which made it even worse. On top of that, I had this dumbass sitting behind me... he's one of those people who can't say a sentence without letting the f-word fly at least once. And he kept screaming out, and attacking this boy who was sitting next to me, and jabbing my back with his knees... it was awful. The pep rally really sucked, and that had nothing to do with how we got creamed... the announcer had some kind of problem with his microphone, and he always got cut off and it was hard to hear what he was saying. It was hard to tell what was going on, too. At one point, I was waiting for the tug of war competition to start, and it was already over by the time I realized it had started. In one of the eating competitions, apparently one of the contestants puked... maybe it was a good thing I didn't realize it had started then. As I already said, the freshmen totally lost in the end, in terms of homecoming week participation and pep rally victories. I think the seniors won overall, but I wasn't able to tell-- the announcer was having technical difficulties at the time. Looks like they don't rig anything at the high school, eh? When that was finally over, we were dismissed to the buses. Since we weren't allowed to bring our stuff onto the bleachers, we had to go back inside to grab our bookbags first. When I arrived in front of Mr. E's room, I found a large crowd assembled at the door. Mr. E had locked the door, and he was nowhere to be found. We waited for a few minutes, but he never showed up. Everyone was freaking out-- the buses would be gone by the time he showed up, and we couldn't just leave our stuff in his room over the weekend! Someone eventually got a janitor to open the door for us, and everyone rushed in, grabbed their stuff, and then scrambled to the buses.
Today seemed to go by really fast, even though homecoming was a major letdown. Well, at least it's the weekend now.