Well, sort of. It was my fault. Sam knows that I like Soul Eater now.
It was a D day, so I had lunch during the middle block of period three. It was another one of those days where I have lunch with Sam. I probably would've gone and sat in my emo corner again, but Sam spotted me by my locker when I was grabbing my lunch bag so I walked with her to the cafeteria. She led me to this little booth in the middle of the cafeteria, where her friends were seated. Contrary to what I thought, they weren't the weeaboos that sat in the booth behind ours last year. They were all upperclassmen, and they seemed kind of... creepy. I don't know what it was about them, but I had the urge to go sit in my emo corner. They were all pretty big people, so there wasn't even any room at the table. Sam made them squeeze in for me, and we all managed to fit. She introduced me to all of them, but I can't remember any of their names... except I think the dude was named Josh. For most of the time, the other people were talking about weird things and I was eating my food on the edge of the booth, trying to avoid them... but then when lunch was almost over, I decided to show Sam some of my drawings that I had stored in my trapper keeper. Out of all my friends, she's the only one who's interested in my art. The drawings I had in my binder were "Darkrai", "Primal Dialga", "Reunited", "Shiny Raikou", "Arceus", "A New Adventure Awaits!", "Midnight Rush", the sketch for the previous picture, "Falco Lombardi", "Lucario v2", and "How Does He Hold the Sword?". At first I hid the last picture and let her look through the other ones. She showed them all to her friends, and it could've all ended there. But then I asked her if she wanted to see my creepy picture... I told her that I got into an anime over the summer, and then asked if she liked Soul Eater. It was obvious that she did; this is the girl who styled her hair after Medusa's, after all. I also saw that she had written 'Giriko' on the bottom of her schedule (but for all I know, that could be the name of a character from another anime). She said that she loved it, and I pulled out the picture. After that, she kind of had a fangirl moment. "OMG IT'S CRONA AND THAT THING... RAGNAROK! THEY'RE POKEMON! SOUL EATER AND POKEMON! IT'S LIKE TWO OF THE BEST THINGS EVER COMBINED!" The other people liked it, too. Apparently they all like Soul Eater as well, but at least they don't seem to go insane over it. One of them was like, "I don't know how to deal with how awesome this picture is." After Sam recovered from that, she started flipping out because I like Soul Eater. I told her the whole story of how I got into it and all that. After that, she asked me who my favorite character was. I said Excalibur, of course. "I LOVE EXCALIBUR!" Sam shouted, and then she started trying to sing his song. Then she told me her favorite. "You know Giriko? The chainsaw guy? He's awesome!" Hooray, someone who isn't obsessed with Death the Kid! I've actually never seen anyone who really likes Giriko before. We talked about a few more Soul Eater related things, and then lunch ended. When we were walking back to class, I told her about how I was going to post an Excalibur speed paint today (Sam enjoys watching my speed paints on Youtube). Then we went our separate ways; I was going back to Spanish, and she was going to algebra.
So maybe people knowing about how I like Soul Eater isn't that bad. Well, as long as they aren't Stripes or her weeaboo friends... e_e