Yeah, there's something wrong with the spacing...

You've probably looked at the secret codes on Plasma's Folly at least once and wondered where the heck I got those things. Well, in this blog post, I'm going to try to explain the origins of each of them, along with some more recent inside jokes.

Smile Dog - I think we all know about this one. Basically, it's a totally lame creepypasta about an image of a dog that drags people to insanity or something... I haven't read that thing in a while. But when I did read it, I posted the image of the dog on Sakimi, which resulted in mass hysteria. I still have the entire conversation screenied. On April Fools Day, Sakimi received a makeover and was transformed into 'smile chat'. The background was turned red and black, and pictures of Smile Dog were posted everywhere.

You're higher than the car - To be honest, I don't really know how this one started. It's an inside joke among people in my old tech class that was conceived somewhere along the way while we were working on the Rube Goldberg project. They say it all the time, and it was just so random I had to put it as a secret code.

SCREAMJAME - Jo was watching some older episodes of the Pokemon anime, back when James still had a Victreebel. Whenever Victreebel screamed and ate James, Jo thought it was James who was screaming. Then one day, she was playing Pearl or something and she caught a Weepinbell, and she wanted to name it 'SCREAMING JAMES'. Unfortunately for her, it wouldn't fit, so she ended up naming it 'SCREAMJAME'.

But that doesn't matter, because this is a scary story - Again, I don't know where this came from. It's an inside joke among my friends, so in that case I probably don't want to know. I used this one as a code for the same reason I used the second code.

Leafy is my cat - I'm pretty sure we all know about this one, too. Ever since we found out Leafy's real name, we've started calling him 'Jackie'. But Jackie was also the name of my now deceased cat. Leafy would always yell something like 'I AM NOT PANTHER'S CAT!' whenever we called him Jackie.

Um the Dolphin - There's a December blog entry that describes the whole thing.

Head Chunks
- In seventh grade, we were watching some movie about the Civil War. It was showing some fight scene, and this guy's head blew up into a bloody mess that resembled red Jell-O. All the other girls in the class screamed and hid, meanwhile Michelle exclaimed 'Head Chunks!~'

Ow, I scratched myself with my foot... - The first time I had a voice chat with Leafy (actually, I think it was my first voice chat ever) I didn't know he could hear me, and somehow I ended up scratching one of my feet with the other one. Yeah, I don't even know. Leafy heard me say 'Ow, I scratched myself with my foot...' and reported it on the chatroom.

I'm like, wow, what? - I had no idea Jo's DSi was recording my voice, and I was saying completely random things, one of them being 'I'm like, wow, what? That's what I just said in the recording.' Sadly, Jo lost that file when her DSi was wiped of all data after she stuck it in water.

SmellyBellyMom - There's also a SmellyBellyDad, SmellyBellyChild, and SmellyBellyTeen.

Zebras are lame - This.

V is for Vixen... Oops, wrong story - One time when I was over at Michelle's house, we were PictoChatting and we decided to make an alphabet book about Camille. When we got to the letter V, I posted a picture of a derpy reindeer and it said 'V is for Vixen... Oops, wrong story'. It's since then become an inside joke among Michelle and I.

STUPID CHILD - Jo was playing Black, and then all of the sudden she screams 'STUPID CHILD'. I'm not really sure why, but it was random, so yeah.

Ben-a-ten - When Jo was younger, she thought Ben 10 was called 'Ben-a-ten'. Yeah, now it's what we call Ben 10.

Shimmy Jimmy - This started with this random picture of a derpy Aerodactyl I drew for APR III. I don't remember why, but after that I started doodling it all over Michelle's school papers whenever she had them out. I can't remember why his name is Shimmy Jimmy, either. At one point in seventh grade I drew Shimmy Jimmy in an art project where we were supposed to draw the contents of some kind of freaky locker. There's also an alternate Shimmy Jimmy who's supposed to be a Mew named Shimmew Jimmew. Shimmy Jimmy's design has changed over time, and now he looks something like this.

In my case I do my hair and toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, and a lot of clothes - I think this is from when I was writing an essay for Spanish and checking on Google Translate if what I was writing made any sense.

The US Darkrai - My dad recorded the US premiere of the Rise of Darkrai, and whenever a commercial break came on he'd stop recording. At one point when a commercial break was about to start it said something about the US premiere of the Rise of Darkrai, and my dad stopped recording at 'US'. When the show came back on it said something involving Darkrai, and my dad resumed recording there. So it came out as the narrator saying 'the US Darkrai'.

Ohhhh gooood - We went to this playground, and I was bored so I decided to go on these bouncy rides that were designed for much smaller children. When I rocked it back and forth, it went all the way to the ground. It was really scary, and I kept screaming 'Ohhhh goooood!'

Star Trek Fantasies - On the American History Trip, Emily kept talking about Star Trek fanfiction and these weird fantasies she was imagining about Captain Kirk and Spock. Yeah... you don't want to know.

Strawberry Jimmy Neutron - ... I honestly have no idea where this came from.

Fathershine - Someone on Sakimi (I think it was Glimmer) misspelled Feathershine as 'Fathershine'. Feather ended up changing her name to Fathershine after that.

Pervy Monkey - Everyone who I've had a voice chat with knows about this one. I have this weird stuffed monkey who says creepy things when you squeeze his belly. 'I've gone bananas for you. Let's monkey around, ooh ooh ah ah! C'mon, swing with me, Valentine! I'm gonna swing, I'm gonna swing, with my Valentineeee!~'

I do not bleed jelly beans - This. Also, this.

James smells weird - Jo was trying to say that James sounds weird, but she ended up saying 'James smells weird'.

Captain Bush and Spobama - This was related to Emily's Star Trek fantasies. I'm not sure exactly how this started, though.

Panthyer - This was basically the same thing that happened with Fathershine. Except it wasn't as funny.

Let's go to BRA - This and this.

And... its butt came off ;_; - This.

Dope Soap - This.

Head Flashing - This is what happened when Feather put her name through the Bad Translator.

Nyan Cat - This.


Hitler gummies - On the AHT, we went to this huge candy store in Colonial Williamsburg, and Emily said she wanted gummy Hitlers.

- For some reason, Jo calls N 'Nemernemz'. I'm not really sure why.

On a bus? - Please don't ask.

Dapple's chocolate bunny - Again, don't ask.

- One time when we were in the car, I was drinking something and my mom made me laugh, so the drink started dribbling out of my mouth. Now my mom calls me 'Dribbles'.

JasonxVoid - This was probably the most popular APR pairing. Then, it got real. Please don't remind me of this.

Banana 'stache - One day when we were eating breakfast on the AHT, Michelle said she had this random mental image of Hitler with a banana mustache.

We have to find Mr. Krabs's shell! - This.

Murdering axe - Whenever I'm mad at something, I murder it with my murdering axe. My murdering axe has three fanart images by Rainy, Feather, and Shiny. I also RP a murdering axe.

Platypus Saleswoman - This was from when we took the first letters of the prefix and suffix in our names and made them into different names. I was Platypus Saleswoman, of course. Other examples can be found here. And we can't forget about this.

If Sam was a highway... - You don't want to know.

- Jo and I were in the toy aisle in Target, and I grabbed a bunch of plush Tentacool and shoved them in her face shouting 'Jellyfish~'.

Riordan hates Pokemon D: - The Throne of Fire, page 315. Need I say more?

Should Mom clean your computer now? - This, again.

Lumb Nips - Mrs. Rowcliffe was reading Touching Spirit Bear out loud, and instead of saying 'numb lips' on one part, she said 'lumb nips'.

Dragon Pants - While we were camping, Jo was playing White and she was battling the Dragon type Gym Leader. She started talking about how they kept spamming Dragon Dance, but for some reason I thought she said 'Dragon Pants'.

Lettuce?! - Jo just randomly shouted this out one day. I don't even know.

Pig Nipples - My mom was talking about pig ankles, but I thought she said 'pig nipples'. Then we had this weird conversation.

Bra Spin - My mom, Jo, and I were in my room watching the 47th episode of Soul Eater. Jo found one of my bras and randomly started spinning it around in the air. When Lord Death was like, 'Special attack-- Coffee Table Flip!' someone was like 'Special Attack-- Bra Spin!'.

Toothbrush/Blue Toothbrush - Fifth one down. Now whenever we see a blue toothbrush, we flip out. Also, I drew this creepy picture of Ragnarok brushing his teeth and taped it to the bathroom door.