My mom found out that one of our local news stations was doing a thirty minute special on bullying, and apparently they were looking for kids to share their stories of being bullied. She told me about it and asked me if I wanted to share my Touching Spirit Bear project (still need to blog about that cghfgdj) on it, and I said, 'Sure, why not.' I didn't really expect to be able to go on, and if I didn't I wouldn't care. But it turned out they did want me to come on. So on November 3rd, I'd be appearing on this program, live. Oh, crap.
The day before Halloween, my mom and I went shopping for a nice outfit for me to wear. I seriously don't own any nice clothes-- just graphic tees and sweatpants, and that's pretty much it. I honestly don't care about my clothes... I just like things that are comfortable, or are associated with things I like. I ended up getting a black cami, a dark gray jacket, these jeans, and a necklace with flowers on it. I also got this ugly ring that I'm never going to wear that reminded me of a Philosopher's Stone.
Other than that, I didn't really worry about it until that fateful Thursday. Heck, it didn't bother me until we were at the studio... When we arrived, the anchorwoman talked with me and my family, and she tried to run through what we'd be discussing with me. She asked me some question, and I sort of blanked out... yeah, that'd be really embarrassing if that happened on live television. So we decided that my mom would be the one answering questions. I'd just have to read the bits of my project that they chose for me.
Soon enough, it was time to enter the set. To my surprise, it was only us and this psychologist who were going to be on live... I expected to see more kids who'd be sharing their stories. It made me wonder if and how many other kids requested to appear on the show... I doubt there were many, if I was chosen of all people.
Nervous, I watched the clock as it quickly reached 7:00, which was when the program would begin. It went by so fast, and suddenly the broadcast had begun. Thankfully, the program wasn't starting with us. The anchorwoman talked for a bit first, and then showed some prerecorded clips. In the beginning, she was holding a couple of papers, and they ended up reflecting the green screen, so you could see the background through them... I anxiously waited for our turn to speak. I was sort of scared, but I also just wanted to get the thing over with. When the first little part was over, the cameras switched to us, and the anchorwoman announced that she'd be talking to us after the commercial break... oh boy.
The commercial break seemed to last forever, and finally the program started up again. The anchorwoman asked a question, and my mom answered... and then she asked me to read my 'poem'. Yeah, I don't know why, but everyone was referring to it as a poem, even though it's not a poem in the slightest. I guess the format they put it in for my script sort of resembled the stanzas of a poem... I began to read it, terrified that I would slip up like I usually do when I read things out loud. And I did. Twice. I suppose it could've been worse, though. It felt like I was done in a heartbeat. After that, the anchorwoman asked me a question, and I was like, "Uhhh..." My mom quickly answered for me, and that was pretty much it. Then there was another commercial break, and the program when on with an interview with the psychologist.
I highly doubt they were, but I really hope the viewers were notified that what I read wasn't the whole thing, and that the full version was up online. It doesn't make complete sense if you just read bits of it like I had to do, and it wouldn't surprise me if the audience had no idea what I was talking about and how this related to being bullied. But oh well. It was over now, so I just tried to forget about it...
We went to a buffet for dinner after the program was completely over, and then we went to Toys "R" Us and I got a plush Zorua. When I went home, I began to dread going to school the next day... I really hoped no one would go up to me and say something like, "I saw you on the newssss..." I secretly hoped that no one had seen the program, despite how I wanted to show them my views on bullying... it turned out that no one did see the program, or at least they weren't speaking up about it. Even my English teacher from last year missed it... Oh well, whatever. I tried.
This entry probably sounds really bad because I wrote most of it at 2:00 in the morning when I was exhausted....