This isn't the first time this has happened. In fact, I went through the same thing right around the time the forums first popped up. I feel as if I'm losing interest in Pokemon.
The Black and White hype has subsided, and it's a slow time for Pokemon. I've beaten White, and I only have the Elite Four left in Black. I don't really intend on picking up Black anytime soon, though. I don't even know how many times I've fought the Elite Four in White and Japanese Black, and I'm just tired of it. I've played all my other games so many times too, and restarting or continuing them just doesn't appeal to me. Right now, there's nothing to look forward to, either. Ever since Generation V was announced, I've been desperately hoping for a new Mystery Dungeon game or two. Every time I check Bulbapedia and they say a new game is going to be announced, I pray that it's going to be PMD3. But it never is. Gamefreak just keeps pumping out more and more kiddy games and games I would never touch with a ten foot pole. When Pokedex 3D was announced, I didn't really mind. When I heard about Pokemon Rumble 2, I was like, ... Really? It was pretty much the last straw the other day when Pokepark 2 was revealed. I actually screamed "NOOOOOOOO" when I read about it. That's pretty much the only part of the franchise I care about nowadays. Other than the games and the creatures themselves, I hate Pokemon. The anime is absolutely terrible-- it has the same repetitive plot every dang episode and it drags on forever. Even the Kanto episodes, which everyone always talks about how good they were, are horrible in my opinion. I don't understand how anyone other than really little kids could watch it. Even Jo is above that stuff. It's a shame that decent shows like Soul Eater can't be that long, but then again, if it was stretched out that much, it would probably turn into a disaster like Pokemon. I've never read the manga, but from what I've seen of it, it looks really boring. I used to collect the trading cards, but I gave up on that a while ago. There's a lot of better things I could spend my money on than pieces of cardboard... I do like the merchandise (plush, clothing, figurines) but that's not going to suddenly get me back into the franchise. I need something dynamic. Pokemon Gray, Pokemon MagmaRuby/AquaSapphire, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3, even a Pokemon Ranger game, perhaps. Something new and exciting. It doesn't even have to be a game. If someone makes a really great Pokemon roleplay, chances are I'll get back into it. That's what saved me in 2009-- APR.
I don't see myself stopping to like Pokemon completely anytime soon, though. Actually, I hope I never do. I know, I may say that now, but that probably won't be true in the future, but still. I've liked Pokemon for five years, and if I've liked it for that long, there's really no turning back. I got into Neopets seven years ago (in fact, my seventh anniversary on the site was four days ago ^_^) and I still like it today. But on the contrary, I got into Warriors a little before I got into Pokemon, and I dropped that a little less than a year ago. But Warriors just got really... bad. I mean, if Pokemon did something ridiculous like... I don't know, I don't feel like typing an example, but... I probably would stop liking it, too.
I definitely wouldn't blame my loss of interest in Pokemon on Soul Eater or whatever else. Why do you think most of my roleplays this year weren't about Pokemon?
Needless to say, I need something to get me back into Pokemon, whether it be a decent gaming title or a fun roleplay.