We knew this day would come since early August. And we've been dreading it ever since. But now it's finally come, and it's passed. Meebo, which we've been using since the dawn of our friendships in 2009, has been discontinued. We've found a new instant messaging program that works perfectly fine, but it's just not the same as that Sakimi we knew and loved. That chatroom was like a virtual home to me, and now it's been demolished. I'll miss hearing the little click whenever someone posts, and the chime whenever you receive a private message. I'll miss the emoticons, especially the SEAL. Heck, I'll even miss how we had to type 'pooof' or 'p00f' to bypass the censors and the stupid thing it'd do whenever you tried to post something starting with the letter P with an apostrophe or quotation mark in front of it. Meebo might've had some flaws, but it was where our friendships developed. Think of where we'd be if we never had Sakimi... I can't help but really miss it. It's like how I feel about my house... it's crowded and small, but I've lived there all my life, and I'll definitely miss it when I eventually move out.
Now that I think of it, I'm not even exactly sure why we used Sakimi above all my other sites with chatrooms. I know back when I first really talked to Dapple on that chatroom for people who were in this heated religious debate, (ah, yes... it's so sad that we're not allowed to debate 'sensitive topics' anymore...) I was showing her all my websites (I also miss being able to post outside links). Sakimi was rather insignificant at the time; it was practically abandoned by then. You'd think we would've chosen to chat on TMIWM, but for some reason that wasn't the case. For a while, it was only Dapple and me on Sakimi, and it was like that until APR was created. I eventually introduced everyone else to the wonder that was Sakimi. I remember that winter, it was always me, Rainy, Fire, Stormy, Shadow[flower], Leafy, Ragged, and Dapple. Somewhere along the way I created a site specifically for APR, and I expected us to move there. But for one reason or the next, we never followed through with that. As time went on, Shadow, Fire, and Stormy dropped out of what would later be known as the Sakimi Crew, and we met Feather. When PMD blossomed, we also accepted Shiny, Glimmer, Songy, and Honey into our ranks. And since then we've grown into what could almost be considered a family. I don't know about you guys, but I practically lived in that chatroom. It used to be that we always had to ask each other on the forums to go on Sakimi, but eventually it came to be that Sakimi was the first thing I opened up when I started up my computer. But now, that Sakimi's gone. Sure, we all still have each other, and that's all that matters. But it's still really sad that our old home is gone...
The word 'Sakimi' was created by combining the first two letters of Sam, Kim, and Michelle, the names of two of my best friends at the time and my own. It's what we called a book series we were originally going to write together, and the creatures it was about. We stopped working on that a long time ago, despite efforts to revive it. And now 'Sakimi' has a new meaning-- or does it? It's always stood for friendship; just now, it stands for a different type of friendship. And I really hope this friendship of ours continues to flourish, even if we have to adapt to this new chatroom. I miss the old chatroom, but I'd be much sadder if I lost you guys.