Boy, it felt like the first week of school would never end... well, the weekend's finally here, and it's been pretty good so far.
On Friday, I went to bed somewhat early, but I still slept in till like eleven... I would've slept longer if my mom didn't wake me up. We had to go to the bank before it closed at noon, and after that we would shop for shelves for my locker. We were going to Target, and if they didn't have them we would check out Office Max. Both of those stores are in the town where our mall is, so I asked if I could buy something with my allowance there. My mom said okay, and asked what I wanted to buy. I told her I was going to buy a copy of the first volume of the Soul Eater manga. I've read all of what's been released of the manga so far online, but it was a fan translation (and a few chapters were translated very badly), and I wanted to read the official version.
Our first stop was the bank, of course. I stayed in the car while Jo and my mom went in. They came back with a grape lollipop for me. c: Then, we headed for Target. Unfortunately, they no longer stocked locker shelves. Jo and I went into the toy aisle, and we found that they actually had plush Pokemon in stock for once. There was a Phione, a Pidove, a Sandile, a Snivy, a Tepig, and an Oshawott. I noticed right away that these American plush were a lot different from the Japanese ones.

This is what mine looks like:

And here's what the one at Target looked like:

I much prefer my Snivy's plush arms and tail-leaf over the American one's felt appendages (though then again, the American one captures the design of the leaf better). Obviously I'm not a weeaboo... it's just the Japanese ones are better quality than the ones we have here. Oh, and don't get me started on the American Tepig... the sphere at the end of its tail was stitched onto its back. It looked like a tumor. e_0
Next, we headed over to the mall, which is right next to Target. We entered Barnes & Noble, and I headed over to the manga section. I looked around for Soul Eater, but I couldn't find anything... Then, I saw it. There were four copies on the lower shelf... all of volume six. Geez, that thing sells fast. The other week went we went there, they had a bunch of copies of all the other volumes. Since I had already read the whole thing online, I bought a copy of volume six anyway. That one covers episode 21 through 24 of the anime, I think. My mom bought a volume of "Baby Blues", her favorite comic book, and an issue of a screen writing magazine for herself, and a book called "Weird New York" for my dad's birthday. My dad isn't a big reader, but sometimes he likes to read books like that. We had previously taken that book out from the library, and I think it's pretty interesting. It's basically about a bunch of legends, attractions, and strange places found in New York state. We have a book called "Weird US" which is about stuff like that all over America, and I stole it and hid it in my room... I like to read through it when I'm bored occasionally. I think Jo got something as well, but I can't remember what it was. When my mom was looking for the stuff she got for herself, she came across a book about sketching dragons. She asked me if I was interested in it, and I told her it looked cool. She decided to buy it for me for no reason. When we left Barnes & Noble, we went to this little diner for lunch. I ordered a roast beef and provolone melt on sour dough bread with horseradish dip, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a Mountain Dew. My mom got a BLT with potato chips, and Jo got chicken nuggets and fries.
When we were done eating, we left the mall and went to Office Max. We found three locker shelves in the back, and I got two and Jo got the other one for no reason... apparently, they were out of stock of them as well, but someone had returned the ones they had. After that, we went to the supermarket, and then we went home.