Blah ugly post but I don't feel like writing. u_u
Rather that going to Long Island for Thanksgiving, we went last weekend. We left last Thursday, and I got to skip school that day. I spent most of the car ride listening to music and working on the Plasma's Folly story. I can't remember what time we arrived at my aunt's house, but I know by then it was night and past dinner time. We went to bed soon after, because the next day we'd be visiting New York City.
Before we boarded the train, we stopped at a little deli and got egg sandwiches. I asked for an egg sandwich with cheddar cheese and bacon, but they gave me American cheese instead. I also got to get a Go Bananas Snapple, which is a flavor I'd never heard of before seeing it in a vending machine in a rest stop. Apparently it's not commonly found, and it's not even acknowledged on the list of all flavors on the Snapple website. We ate our breakfast in the car, and then headed off to the train station.
Jo and I sat across the aisle from our parents, and there was one empty seat in our row. I spent most of the train ride playing Pokemon White. Before the trip I hadn't played it in forever. I managed to catch Terrakion, and I later tried to catch Virizion but didn't get anywhere. Near the end of the train ride, this random guy came and sat in Jo's and my row. When he left, Jo shouted loudly, "Yay, the creepy guy is leaving!" I'm pretty sure the dude heard her. We soon arrived at Penn Station. We got off and began our long trek to the Nintendo World Store.
I had read that there had once been a Pokemon Center like the ones in Japan in New York City, but they later replaced it with a store that sold all sorts of Nintendo merchandise. They still had a whole room dedicated to Pokemon, however, and I wanted to check it out.
We had to walk quite a few blocks before we got there; I can't remember just how many, though. I think we started on 35th Street and the store was on 47th, but that was probably wrong. The store had two floors, and I found that almost all of the ground floor was dedicated to Pokemon. There were bins and shelves of all sorts of plushies (the high quality Japanese ones, moreover), a wall of figurines, racks of t-shirts, a case of games, DVDs, all sorts of TCG merchandise... it was amazing. My mom said it was funny to watch Jo and I fangirling over everything in the store... I had a little more than a hundred dollars with me, but I had a really hard time deciding what to buy. I didn't want to spend all my money, but there were so many things I wanted... I ended up buying a foot tall Zekrom plushie for thirty dollars, a Reshiram t-shirt for twenty dollars, and a Darkrai Pokedoll for ten dollars. I spent half of my allowance, but it was worth it... Jo got a Tepig shirt and a plush Pignite. How typical of her. Here's some sucky pictures of my plushies:

I also took a ton of pictures of the store, but they're on my mom's camera...
After we bought our stuff, we checked out the upstairs area. It was mostly full of Mario stuff, but there were a lot of other Nintendo things, too. There was also a little Legend of Zelda museum display, because I think the franchise's twenty-fifth anniversary is coming up or something. There were a bunch of things I wanted up on that floor as well, but I didn't buy anything. I've decided that the Nintendo World Store is my favorite store ever. We're probably going to go there frequently in the future. We might go next summer, and hopefully by then they'll carry plush Serperiors... I also can't wait till Genesect is revealed. Imagine all the Genesect merchandise I could buy... ;u;
When we finally left the Nintendo World Store, we decided to check out this store we came across along the way; M&M World. It was bigger than the Nintendo store, and it was almost completely full of M&M merchandise. Like, seriously. Why would you need so much candy coated chocolate merchandise... The only section of the store we really cared about was the part where they had actual M&Ms. For about twelve dollars a pound, you could fill up a bag with a combination of any color or flavor of M&M you wanted. We mostly only got weird colors of peanut M&Ms, but we also got some other varieties.
After that, we went to a few other stores, but they weren't really important. When we left the city, we went to Spinelli's Pizzeria for lunch. I don't know if I mentioned it before on this blog, but I swear they have the best pizza in the world there... we go there almost every time we go to Long Island. When we were done eating we went to this bargain store thingy and I got a journal.
For dinner we went to the East Buffet. I had sushi, rabbit, Alfredo sauce pasta, this egg white shrimp ball thingy, dumplings, and something else I can't remember. For my drink I ordered fruit punch. Now, usually when I get fruit punch at restaurants, they just give you Hi-C or Minute Maid or whatever. But this place gave me this sort of slush that tasted mostly like pineapple, and was topped with an orange slice, a cherry, and a little umbrella. It was really good... for desert I had a melon gooey thing, strawberry custard, blackberries, and a small wedge of strawberry cake.
I'll blog about the next day later or something...