TMIFWM's first birthday was not too long ago, and we are about to reach another milestone: this is the 100th Random Blog Entry (the 100th blog entry overall was "List of Loot", back in late December 2010). Of all the blogs on this site, the Random Blog is clearly the most used one, and it tells the most about me. It's kind of like my diary. I wanted to make this post special in a way, but I'm not sure what to do.
By now, I'm pretty sure everyone knows TMIFWM and it's predecessor's origins. Back in the autumn of 2008, I started writing a comic book series that originally didn't have a name. It followed the adventures of a group of girls who had been transformed into Pokemon for some reason. Of course, all of the characters were named after my friends. For the sake of simplicity, the comic was referred to as the "Porygon2 Book", since it was written in a green composition book with a Porygon2 sticker stuck to the front. It wasn't until its sequel was made that the series gained its name, which is also what the sequel was called: The Muffin is With Me. It was a spin on Lucario's catchphrase, "the aura is with me", as the main character was a Lucario, and there were muffins in every book at least once. By the time I launched the website for TMIWM (January 2009), I was working on the third book, "The Icy Song". The original TMIWM website was my first Yolasite (Synthasite at the time) and I intended for it to simply be a website about the comic. But I was very excited to have my own website, so I began updating it with unrelated content. As time went by, I stopped working on the comic. The page about TMIWM was taken down, and from then on it served only as a sort of journal. If you look through the posts on the old site, they are far shorter and less detailed than the ones here. Some of them were only a sentence or two long. I posted nearly every day, and usually I wrote multiple entries each day. My rate of posting began to slow down over that summer, and eventually it came to a complete stop. I promised to return to posting during December, but that didn't get very far. The final entry was written February 11th, 2010. From then until late August, I was without a place to vent my feelings and describe stories from my life, except for on the forums, which was where I mostly hung out. But over that summer, I decided to resume posting blog entries yet again. Instead of using the old TMIWM, I decided to recycle one of my other domains into a new blog website. I took the name of my old blogging site and added a spin to it, as that's what "The Muffin is With Me" had become. It was no longer a comic-- it was that website. I managed to successfully pull off TMIWM's revival, as obviously I am still posting here today. At first, the blog entries were similar to the original site's-- short, and posted frequently. But as time went on, I started making them increasingly longer, and I began to post them less frequently. I guess it demonstrates the evolution of my writing.
I don't know how many of you regularly read the entries here, but I'm sure some of you do. It makes me happy that I'm able to share my experiences with others. Even if no one read this but me, I still wouldn't mind. After all, it's main purpose is to store all my memories so I can look back at them someday. So, here's to a hundred more Random Blog entries!