I was originally going to post the first dream in this entry with a bunch of other minor dreams. I had that entry halfway finished, and then I took a break to watch FMA on my computer. The DVD kept screwing up, so I asked my mom to help fix it, and she ended up closing down Firefox. So now I'll be rewriting it, and I'm also adding a dream I had last night that could be considered a follow-up to it.

I was supposed to be at this pool inside a school, and all the homunculi from FMA were there with me. None of them were in the water, though; they were all just hanging out and casually talking on the deck. There were some random people swimming in the pool, but they didn't mind the homunculi and the homunculi didn't mind them. All of the sudden, I went up to Envy and shoved him into the water for no reason at all. He got really angry and started flailing around crazily. Right after that, the bell rang and everyone exited the building through these glass doors to the right of the pool. A bus was waiting outside, and they all boarded it. I followed them, but then I remembered I left some stuff on the deck. I went back in, and grabbed my locker shelves which I apparently brought in there. I started heading for the door again, and then I remembered that I forgot my bottle of Dr. Pepper. I turned around and headed for the deck again, and I noticed this kid holding a giant Yu-Gi-Oh card. I told him that it was mine, and he gave it to me. Completely forgetting my Dr. Pepper, I walked toward the bus again. Then I realized my mistake and went into the school yet again. I think it ended after that.

In the dream I had last night, I was at school, and Rainy and I think Ragged were there with me. We were looking out the window, and it was drizzling. We noticed a group of people standing by this generator thing, and I recognized them as Lust, Gluttony, and Envy. Lust was trying to set the generator aflame, but the rain kept putting the fire out. It finally ignited, and it began to pour. The rain fueled the fire even further, and it exploded into a huge inferno. It swallowed all the trees, and began blazing toward the school. The homunculi were consumed by it, but they quickly regenerated and then left the scene, laughing. Rainy, Ragged, and I fled the school as the fire spread even more. We all went in separate directions out of fear. I managed to run all the way to my house, and I hid by the stairs. I don't know what happened to Ragged and Rainy, or if they even survived. Meanwhile, the homunculi were creating chaos, destroying everything and everyone in their path. Lust impaled little children with her Ultimate Spear ability, and Gluttony devoured everything around him. Envy had arrived at my house, and Major Armstrong and May Chang were trying to fend him off in the living room. I watched in fear from my position by the stairs, but it was hard to see what was going on because a chair was blocking the fight. May hurled knives at Envy, and one ended up falling down by me. I picked it up, and slowly rose to my feet, my head buzzing. Even though I knew it would be pointless, I decided to chuck the knife at Envy. I watched his movements carefully, looking for the ideal time to strike. His head came into view, and I rose my arm. I flung the knife with all my might, and it flew right in front of Envy's face. He turned around, noticing me for the first time. He bent down and grabbed the knife I threw off the ground, and strolled in front of the stairs. He held the knife up, a grin spreading over his face. My eyes wide with fear, I realized that his devious grin would probably be the last thing I'd ever see. And even if his strike wasn't fatal, I'd still be sent into a world of pain. Trembling, my life flashed before my eyes. Right when he was about to finally fling the knife, I forced myself to wake up. I regretted doing that right away; I was well aware that it was a dream, (I didn't go lucid, though) and I knew I wasn't really going to get hurt from it. I tried to fall back asleep and continue the dream, but it didn't work.